
Profile of University Departments and Programs Name of Department(s) Details of Program(s)
PG/Diploma Doctoral
1 Department of English M.A PhD
2 Department of Commerce M.A PhD
3 Department of Sociology M.A PhD
4 Department of History M.A PhD
5 Department of Mathematics M.Sc PhD
6 Department of Physics M.Sc --
7 Department of Chemistry M.Sc --
8 Department of Computer Science M.Sc --
9 Department of Marathi M.A --
10 Department of Applied Economics M.A --
11 Department of Mass Communication M.A --
12 Department of MBA MBA --
13 Department of Sports and Physical Education -- PhD
14 Department of Knowledge Resource Centre -- PhD
15 Science and Technology Resource Centre (STRC) UG-Diploma --

1. Department of Sports and Physical Education is recognized as an “Institution of Higher Learning, Research, and specialized Studies” to offer Ph.D. program in Sports and Physical Education.
2. Department of Knowledge Resource Centre is recognized as an “Institution of Higher Learning, Research, and specialized Studies” to offer Ph.D. program in Library and Information Science.
3. STRC is an autonomous centre under Gondwana University funded by the Rajiv Gandhi Science and Technology Commission, the Government of Maharashtra,and offers One Year Undergraduate Diploma in Bamboo Entrepreneurship and Design.
4.Certification by Pro-Vice-Chancellor